Sunday, June 7, 2009


Saturday.. beautiful day, plane's ready.. instructors... who knows, they *might* be at the field :-)

I packed up and headed over to the Klendestine field. I figure, worst case I just taxi around for a while, making sure that the control surfaces are all good to go, the right direction, etc.

I got to the field, and it was empty.. no one in sight; so I set up to do some taxi'ing. Turns out the Rudder was reveresed; but that's easy to fix on my new radio! By the time I got it back to the line Joe pulled up in his truck. He'd been out looking for Lawn Mower parts and figured he'd swing by to see if anyone was out; Just my luck!

So, he helped me tune the engine up a bit, and volunteered to test fly it for me. Got it taxi'd out; and up... about 50' when the motor quit!! He was able to level it off and came in for a nice soft landing on the soy beans. Matter of fact, it didn't even get near the ground.. lol! Soy beans ftw!

No damage to the skin; but as we were trying to get the motor started again to try again the prop nut popped and since I didn't have *any* tools with me, we were dead on the field.

He did have some suggestions for alterations to the aleron servo disc to get more throw out of them; which I plan to handle before going out again tomorrow.

Thanks for your help Joe!! We'll get her in the air :-)

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